Khóa học Blockchain miễn phí từ MIT – số 2 [Tiếng Anh] for Developer

Last updated: 26/02/2023

Course Description 

Bitcoin and other cryptographic currencies have gained attention over the years as the systems continue to evolve. This course looks at the design of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies and how they function in practice, focusing on cryptography, game theory, and network architecture.


Lecture 1: Signatures, Hashing, Hash Chains, e-cash, and Motivation (PDF)

Lecture 2: Proof of Work (PoW) and Mining (PDF) (Nakamoto, Satoshi. “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System.”)

Lecture 3: Signatures (PDF) (Maxwell, Gregory, Andrew Poelstra, Yannick Seurin and Pieter Wuille. “Simple Schnorr Multi-Signatures with Applications to Bitcoin.”)

Lecture 4: Transactions and the UTXO Model (PDF) (Bitcoin Transactions)

Lecture 5: Synchronization Process, Pruning (PDF)

Lecture 6: Simplified Payment Verification and Wallet Types (PDF)

Lecture 7: OP_RETURN and Catena (PDF)

Guest Lecturer: Alin Tomescu

Tomescu, Alin, and Srini Devadas. “Catena: Efficient Non-equivocation via Bitcoin.” MIT CSAIL.

Catena code on GitHub

Lecture 8: Forks (PDF)

Lecture 9: Peer-to-peer Networks

Guest Lecturer: Sharon Goldberg

Lecture not available

Lecture 10: PoW Recap, Other Fork Types (PDF)

Lecture 11: Fees (PDF)

Lecture 12: Transaction Malleability and Segregated Witness (PDF)

Lecture 13: Payment Channels and Lightning Network (PDF)

Lecture 14: Lightning Network and Cross-chain Swaps (PDF)

Lecture 15: Discreet Log Contracts (PDF)

Lecture 16: MAST, Taproot, Graftroot (PDF)

Lecture 17: Anonymity, Coinjoin and Signature Aggregation (PDF)

Lecture 18: Confidential Transactions (PDF)

Lecture 19: Ethereum and Smart Contracts

Guest Lecturer: Joseph Bonneau

Lecture not available

Lecture 20: More about Ethereum

Lecture not available

Lecture 21: Proof of Work at Industrial Scales

Guest Lecturer: David Vorick

Lecture not available

Lecture 22: Alternative Consensus Mechanisms (PDF)

Lecture 23: New Directions in Crypto (PDF)

Lecture 24: zkLedger (PDF)

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    Course passing progress: 0%
    Start date: 04/07/2024
    11 Students
    20 Lessons
    Duration: 10 Weeks
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    Level: All levels